"Birding" is what "birders" do when they go out into the birds natural habitats to watch and observe birds, usually seeing a lot more birds than in a backyard. Birders typically have better equipments and are more experienced. We tend to keep a journal of our birding experience and a list of birds we see.
Well, this is how a birders group looks like as you can see in these pictures.
Debbie and I belong to the local Audubon Society and from time to time (once a month usually) we go birding with them. With more eyes and ears, and more experience as a group, we see a lot more birds and learn something new every time.
There are various degrees of expertise in the group including botanists, biologists...and people passionate about butterflies, wild flowers, or just forest trees.
Of course, we love going out birding alone as much as we can too.
If you're not a birder yet, maybe you want to check into it. You might like it!