Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Our humble abode

I was reading this book by Richard Lemieux "Breakfast at Sally's" and realized how much I have to be thankful for. Kelly and Leah are just wonderful, and my Beloved Debbie makes me feel I have found my soul mate.
We have a quiet and peaceful home that is always clean and organized thanks mainly to Debbie. Hey! I'm a pretty clean and organized person myself. Nevertheless, I give Debbie credit for a beautiful abode.
Anytime I want to, I can go to a deep place within myself where I only find the Peace and Love I want and be totally contented no matter what is happening. The bottom fell out of real estate, the business I'm in, but do you complain and mourn, or do you count your blessings?
If I loose all material things out of an unexpected turn of events, but still have Debbie-Kelly-Leah, I will smile and count my blessings one more time. Can you count your blessings?
P.S. Remember to click on the collage pics to see it.
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Kelly said...

Aw that's so sweet daddy. What an awesome collage! I will remember to count my blessings!

Leah said...

Awwww you are such a positive influence Daddy! That's something I deeply admire about you-you always see the glass half full. That motivates me to look on the brighter side of things in my own life.

The collage is beautiful...and so is your spirit, Daddy. I love you so much!


Andre Coquerel said...

Thank you for the nice comments, Kelly and Leah. You make me proud!
I love you.