Sunday, May 2, 2010

So, why do we do it?

We just came back from a camping trip two week-ends ago. And there we go again. Another camping trip this week-end. So, why do we do it? Why do we keep going any chance we get?
Look at Debbie in this first picture and you'll get your answer. IT MAKES US HAPPY. People line up in a crowded place like Disney to enjoy a few minutes of entertaining or relaxing scene. People travel long distances to be at the beach and soak in the pleasant experience of the waves crashing on the shore. Why do you need to fight a crowd just to have a singular experience, unique to you?
Maybe if money was no object we'll go scuba diving in the Great Barrier, then go to Fiji or the Seychelles Island, go for a zip line experience over some forests in Costa Rica or the Amazon in Brazil, and...stop for breakfast in historic Paris before coming home. Right?
Otherwise, you drive 45 mins to an hour from home to a quiet and peaceful forest, camp where the birds will come visit you, see some unique creatures we still can't find in books or on line, and come back home. The inner being tastes the same repose, same unique and adventurous experience, and is totally refreshed...and it only costs one hour worth of gas in your vehicle (no, 2 hours, you have to come back). But gosh! it's peaceful, tranquil, restful.
So, why are more people not doing this?
Bugs-we don't like them either. Debbie won't go on the trails when the bugs are out. And we bring repellents. This time we even brought a can of "outdoor camp fogger". We used the whole g.d. can! The gnats were out, and we shielded our site. But we couldn't go on the trails this time. (We still saw over 20 different bird species just around the camp site).
Isn't it sinful to like nature so much then go in and spray chemical for your own cocoon? Hum, I guess so. May God forgive us then. and we just lost a few hours in longevity with all the bug spray this week-end. True, but we've also been adding years by new habits. net result? still ahead by a few years, not to worry. Keep drinking that wine, baby! and eat all those organic vegetables from our own garden. We'll be 100 years old in no time anyhow. Then we'll find a way to die, like snorkeling with the stingrays. Who knows. (The wine part was a joke guys!)
Other reason people won't camp-snakes, bears, mountain lions, and other ferocious attacking creatures. Hum... hard, very hard to find any of those. Even the snakes. Very hard to find. But again, we're not looking. These creatures hear you a mile away and go their way. And we go ours. You're not prey for them and you're not competing for the same food.  We found a turtle with a yellow head and yellow legs. Do you know the name? A weird creature came to visit us at the campsite. It looks like a squirrel but totally black and much bigger than a squirrel with a white face that looks flattened. He can climb trees super fast.
Wanna go camping? Let us know. We'd love company.
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Kelly said...

Wow! Seems like you guys had a good time again! It's so nice to hear about your trips. This blog was especially interesting. I love your attitude about life! I hope Leah and I can join you guys again soon! It would be nice to camp with experts!

I love you!!

Andre Coquerel said...

The weather was perfect. We were concerned it may rain but it never did.

Anonymous said...

This looks like fun. Come up to Lake Michigan sometime!

--Tim Legg