Saturday, December 4, 2010

Camping at St. Andrews SP

Camping on Thanksgiving??? Why not?  Isn't Thanksgiving a family time? Well, it could be ... a time to give thanks...while spending time with family. (Kelly and Leah were in Pittsburgh visiting with their Grandmother). What if you could go camping (something you like to do very much), with some family members, give thanks while you're there, and (yes!) play some games of Rook at the same time?...and do some birdwatching. I know, you'll pack up and go too. All you need is gas money. You already have the rest.

That sounds like a perfect idea to me. And that's what we did this past Thanksgiving holiday. Oh, the place was full of campers. They all brought their families too. Except for our next door camper from Canada. We invited him over one night to join us at the camp fire. Nice fellow. He was travelling back from the Florida Keys all the the way back to Canada after been in Cuba. Sounds like fun.
If you didn't know where St. Andrews State Park is, I'll tell you. In the Florida Panhandle. Why go all the way there? Because that's where it's warm. And it's cold in Georgia. Except for one windy and rainy night, the weather has been nice. We even went to the beach where people were thoroughly enjoying themselves.

You can read about the windy night and other detail on the camping at

St. Andrews is a State Park so we had water and electricity at our site. Nice. This park is big with a Lagoon (looks like a lake to me), a nature trail, a the beach area, a fishing pier, and other things too.

The nature trail was great. It runs right by the lake; so you could see waterfowl birds, wading and diving birds, and Passerines. Out of 45 different birds we've identified, we've seen 7 new birds. We're birders, remember? We've seen fewer new birds this time because we've been at Grayton Beach not too long ago. Both parks are in the same general area.

Having Connie and Duane during this camping trip was just great. They're family (Thanksgiving!) and they're great people to spend time with. They're sweet and if you meet them, you'll just love them. They're good Rook players too.

Our camp site was just by the lake. We got a great view with all the birds' activities and big fishes jumping out of the water.
I'm always surprised when we come back from camping about how we can have so much fun and spend so little money. I guess it's a state of mind. The "happy state of mind". Life is short, don't sweat the small stuff. Enjoy it.

We've seen some very unique things on this camping trip.  For the first time in my life I saw 3 big bucks (male deer) together.  One was a 12 pointer, the next was a 12, and the 3rd one has 8 points. (Maybe they were on their family Thanksgiving get-together too). How did I count the points on their horns?  They just stood there starring at me. I used my binoculars to make sure I counted right. Then I saw them again, a little later.  This time Duane, Debbie and Connie were there too.  Boy, Duane got excited. He wished James and Carey were there.  

We went to the pier by the beach.  A handful of people were fishing. It was like fishing in a barrel.  They cast their line, pull it right back up, a fish. Then another one, and another one.  I stood beside a teenager and when he casted his line, he pulled it right back up, a fish was hooked by his dorsal fin!!! just run into the line I guess. All these people were just throwing the fish back in the water.  And there comes one of the raccoons hanging around for easy meal. Some of the fishes were getting stranded in the rocks.  That's what the raccoons were going for.

One of the raccoons wanted to try Debbie's shoes on while Debbie was dipping her feet in the water at the beach.  (The pier separated the beach from the lagoon.) We saw him on time and chased him away.  But then...sorry I can't tell you all.  You just have to go camp and taste the fun by yourself.       Posted by Picasa


Debbie said...

A lot of fun! I ♥ camping.

Andre Coquerel said...

I second that! I love camping too...and yes, it was fun. And the great "Thanksgiving meal" you cooked on're the best.
Can't wait for the next camping trip, when the cold weather subsides.