Sunday, May 16, 2010

Kelly is going to Paris

Traveling is good for expanding our horizons. Before you know it, your children are traveling overseas by themselves. (If you have children). I can understand Kelly's excitement. I was doing the same thing at her age and getting all excited about it. Now, it's her turn. She has already visited Togo, Canada, and the Dominican Republic. She has many more trips ahead. Leah is following right behind.
Kelly is in the 1st picture with a friend from Bangladesh, studying abroad. "Abroad" here is the US. And she is going to Paris in the same French program too. How cool is that? I wish for their small group to see a lot, experience a lot, have fun, and grow in maturity. I believe traveling makes a person more mature and more humble. You know your backyard is not the end of the world.
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Kelly said...

Thanks Dad! I'm having such a great time already! I strongly believe that travelling broadens your horizons and perspective on life. I noticed that the more I travel, the more I want to travel! Your stories and passion for travelling have had a big impact on my desires for travel, and the outcome is so rewarding! Thank you so much for your encouragement!

A bientot!

Andre Coquerel said...

Do it while you can!
Plan a trip, save the money, then go!