Sunday, August 17, 2008

Kelly is in College!

Kelly is in Weleyan College. The best college in Macon.
She is excited and happy, and we are just so proud of her.

Kelly got all these scholarships for doing so good in high school and that saved us a lot of money. We still had to come up with some real money though. Real American Dollars! After all, Wesleyan is a private college.

This school has its own horse stables, nature trails, a pond with ducks, gyms, and all the other things that you find in other colleges like places where the kids go party. Oh, they have libraries and those sorts of things too (dorms, cafeterias, ...). I forget to check if they had classrooms.
I guess after these "students" go to the gym, walk around the pond, go horseback riding, check the nature trails, I guess they will have a little bit of time left to learn something in class.
Hopefully, no one will tell them "kids, this is the best time of your life! You don't live with your parents anymore and you have no kids to worry about. Enjoy it now, because when get out you'll be working your butt off to pay bills!"

Gosh, I wish I could just go back to college.
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