Wednesday, October 6, 2010

So...they want to learn Judo

I just got back from the Tae Kwon Do school where I taught...Judo!!! Full circle.  I started martial arts with Judo.  After a little more than 10 years, I took a break, then started learning Tae Kwon Do.  I'm preparing to take my test for my black belt 3rd Dan this month.

I was happy to be officially promoted "Assistant Instructor" two months ago even though I've been assisting for about a year now.  My promotion came with a little surprise.  I'm assigned a group of teenage black belt kids with the mission of teaching them Judo takedown techniques.  Boy! was I happy!!!  I love Judo...and these kids remind me of myself learning Judo as a teenager.  We're having fun.

Aikido, Judo, or Jiu Jitsu are a very nice complement to a Korean style martial art like TaeKwonDo.  Like Karate or Kung Fu, TaeKwonDo is excellent for an attack or defense with an opponent by striking versus a grappling.  Your legs are longer and stronger than your arms for kicking.  The judo moves come in handy when a person tries to grab you.  That could put the karate or tae kwon do practitioner at a slight disadvantage (being grabbed).  That's the reason it's excellent to combine both styles of martial arts.  That's also why you now see "mixed martial arts" schools today.  Of course, you instinctively mix it yourself when you know both formats (striking arts and grappling arts). 

Just for your information, Karate, Judo, Jujutsu and Aikido are of Japanese origins, while Taekwondo is of Korean origin and Kun fu is of China. 

Well, I don't expect to ever be in a fight outside of martial arts tournaments, but it doesn't hurt to be prepared.  I practice as a sport so I can stay in decent shape and also to compete in tournaments.  But who knows, maybe I will just help a "lil' ol' lady" being attacked by some bullies one day. 

P.S. Unlike my usual posts, I talked a lot about myself in this one.  As you may have noticed if you read my blog, I usually don't do that .  So, you'll forgive me this time.

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