Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A walk in the woods

There are rewards that come with birdwatching. You get to walk in the woods to see the birds. So, you get to see the wild flowers too, and the pretty mushrooms.

I don't know what kind of mushrooms these are, but they are colorful and beautiful. Debbie took some pictures of them.

How do you like this painting of the grass with the flowers, the brushes, and the trees? Isn't it just beautiful? Nature painted it and we took a picture of it...as we were looking at the real version in nature. It still came out as a beautiful canvas but we walked right through it.
We saw several Wood Ducks that day. There is a pond nearby. Maybe one of the best close up views of these beautiful birds. Wood Ducks are one of my favorites ducks because they're so colorful. There were six of them.

After the walk, it was nice to rest a bit and just listen to the birds and the pleasant silence of nature. Yes, nature is quiet and serene but you can still hear it. Very pleasant indeed.


On our way back, we saw this area off the road and checked it out. Very nice with terraces of rocks and descending levels of water basins. I just sat in that natural seat. This is a perfect place to have a picnic. The sound of the water below is just soothing.
If you ever want to relax, just take a nice walk in the woods. You'll be smiling afterPosted by Picasa


Kelly said...

Wow, that sounds so nice and peaceful. I think everyone should take time out of their lives for a little while to enjoy nature like you guys do. They would feel better. =)

Andre Coquerel said...

You're so right...nature will make you feel better.
Guess what? We went to the Bond Swamp today! Was serene, peaceful, saw lots of birds...(a flock of WoodDucks too) wish you were there!lol
Thought you were coming this afternoon!
I love you!