Friday, January 28, 2011

Birding at Rum Creek M.A.R.S.H. Project

We went birding at the the Rum Creek MARSH project this past weekend. We were actually going to Lake Juliette when we decided to stop by this place we kept passing by in the past.

If you're a birder, you know when you strike gold. Just like seeing the Scissor Flycatchers in the Ozarks, AK last year. This place is so unpretentious you wouldn't realize it's so rich with waterfowl. You can easily pass it by without noticing.

The sign simply says "wildlife viewing area".  Located on the left before the turn to Lake Juliette.  The gate is closed and you just park by the side of the road and walk by the large pond, more like a small lake.

Before getting far, all the ducks took off in a startling manner. Wow! So many. Fortunately, they landed further in the middle of the lake. And...

...there they were. Probably 40 ducks. Hooded Mergansers, Green-Winged Teals, Buffleheads, Redheads, Lesser Scaups, Pied-billed Grebes, Canvasbacks. There several of each species. It was fun to watch them dive in the water for food, interact with each other, and move from one part of the lake to the other.

You'll get to see other birds as well. We saw some pretty Pine Warblers, and some cute Golden Kinglets. There were various Woodpeckers too (Red Bellied, Downy, and Red Headed).

Why do we get excited about seeing these waterfowl? They're usually not from our area. They've migrated from way up North and Canada for the winter and they're going back. So, we couldn't see them when it's nice and warm outside. They're on vacation, chilling here till it gets warm again. And they're happy to see some Southerners too. Maybe, that's why they were quacking so loud.

1 comment:

Andre Coquerel said...

We've met a couple while birding today (at a different location than on this post). They've been birding for 20 years!
They were excited to meet other birders (us) and said proudly that birding takes their mind off life's stress...and how calming it is for them.
I have to agree with them.