Monday, April 18, 2011

Esther's 40th birthday

The big 4 0 for Esther was celebrated at her house on the 2nd of April. All the Coquerels were invited but only those in the U.S. made it to the invitation for obvious reasons.

How nice! It's been a while since we all got together like this. It always seems that we like to see each other when we meet. The children of the children of Papa Coquerel are teenagers and young adults now. How At 40, Esther is looking great. Young and beautiful, not to forget smart and dedicated.

Taking turns, Jacques and I (I'm Andre) shared encouraging words and memories about their sister. Jean-Luc gave the blessing. Emanuel, Esther, and their children prepared some delicious dishes for all to enjoy.time quickly time passes by!

The drink? They also had drinks but then it seemed that everyone had the same idea. "I'm been invited...let me bring...a bottle of wine!". So, we ended up with more bottles of wine then they were wine drinkers in the group. We all forget to think about who actually drinks in the family. They will be...well, I won't say. Not too many.

Phoebe's Mom was there as you can see in one of the pictures. That was nice. She is always good company. I'm guessing she doesn't want to miss Chloe's arrival. Chloe is going to be the new addition in the Coquerel family, to Phoebe and Jean-Luc. We can't wait to meet her.

 It was nice to get together. Let's do it more often.
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