Friday, December 2, 2011

What do you want for Christmas?

Sorry, I wasn't really asking you what you want.  I'm only writing about a question someone just asked me. 

How do you answer that question? When I thought about it I just said "nothing".  What I really want is happy and pleasant experiences with loved ones around for the holidays.  How do you box or wrap a "happy experience"? 

If I really need something, I'll just go buy it if I have the money.  If I don't have the money, oh well, I'll just appreciate what I already have.  We have plenty in the Western World we live in.  But we always want more.  Just because it's Christmas?  At the end, all these stuff own us. 

I feel blessed my kids and wife don't care much about "stuff".  We just like to be together and share happy moments.  And that's what I'm looking forward to this holiday season.

I'm not going to be the "Grinch" that stole Xmas.  Sure, I'll get a few gifts for the loved ones in my life.  But after all is said and done, what counts is the happy moments spent together.

Happy Holidays!

1 comment:

Christelle said...

Je suis bien d'accord avec toi André !!