Sunday, April 1, 2012

Camping at Okefenokee

Just beautiful!
Stephen C. Forster State Park is right in the middle of the Okefenokee Swamp. 

That's where we went camping last weekend.

One of the big ones.

The Okefenokee is renowned for it's alligators but we went camping to see birds and enjoy a relaxing time.  The camping sites are well laid out with enough trees around to give campers plenty of privacy and the comfort areas (bathrooms) are well kept. 
Little Blue Heron.

The birding was great! Swallow-tailed Kites soaring above on our very first day, Northern Parulas at the camp site, Prothonotary Warblers, King Rails, Great Crested Flycathers, various herons, White Ibises...seen on our canoe trip.  Altogether, we were able to identify 63 different bird species over five days...

...and we relaxed quite a bit also.

A Great Egret about to strike.
It was just Debbie and I.  We loved waking up at the choir of birds singing in this beautiful nature cathedral every morning.  The owls made their hoots in the nights and sometimes, early morning.
Paddling through the narrow waterways.  Debbie in front.

I believe the best time to go is in the spring or fall, before it gets too hot and before the yellow flies come out. 

Can you tell I'm having a good time?
We're already looking forward to our next camping trip.  A different place of course.  Just too many beautiful places to choose from in Georgia, ...and Florida!

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