Saturday, May 25, 2013

Birding and taking a break in the Florida gulf Coast

It just seems that we like to take a break in this part of Florida every year now.  Maybe because we find the beach here to be the prettiest.  Or maybe because Grayton Beach State Park offers beach areas that are quite private.  Or just because it's inexpensive to camp or rent a cabin here.  Or all of the above.

We were really looking forward to some great birding during the few days and nights we spent in the Santa Rosa beach area.  Did we see alot of birds? No, not really.  We did try and picked up two lifers (these are bird species a birder has not seen before).  They were a Black Tern and an American Golden-Plover.   
The beach was gorgeous and the weather was perfect.  We enjoyed that! And it's was nice to brush up on our gulls and terns.  
A lake by the beach, very unique
We rented bikes and hit the trails near the marshes and wetlands where most of our target birds for the trip were.  That's where we came up a bit pretty empty handed.  Sure, we ended up with 92 bird species for the trip including 33 additional species for our Florida yearly bird list.  We're happy.

You're pretty!

Laughing Gull
It was strange to go to some great birding habitats in Florida and notice that there were hardly any birds!   
Since you've read this post this far, I'll let you in on a secret.  You probably already know that some of the beaches on the Gulf of Mexico in Florida are world renowned.  They are that beautiful with white sand, clean, and pretty ocean colors.  That's why it can get expensive to get a nice place on the beach; and my secret...Florida State Parks that are on the beach. 
Get down from that tree!
Here is the link Florida State Parks.  From that main page, go to "find a park", then "reserve".  We like Grayton Beach State Park.  Don't expect to book a cabin today and go next week now.  You have to book a few weeks in advance, sometimes a couple of months in advance.  They call these "cabins" but they are really comfortable 2 bedrooms duplexes tucked in the woods for privacy with screened porch...for $130.00 a night.  These cabins are well maintained and are in a gated complex. That's why the beach has a "private" feel. 
Debbie's mother (Mama) came with us and greatly enjoyed the trip too! We all had fun. 
When you work hard like most of us do, you need a break from time to time.  Even if you don't work very hard...well, take a break to the beach anyhow!
Pretty beach, where is everybody?
Bye now!

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