Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pictures from the trip to Togo

From left to right: Andre, Christophe, Liliane. At Maman's house in Lome, Togo.
Christophe is Liliane's son.
Liliane is Timothee's wife, my sister-in-law.

Andre and Maman.
The shelf on the far right was Papa's shelf where he dispalyed the pictures of all his children's families.

From left to right: Collette, Andre, David .
Collette is David's wife. She is sweet.
Collette was expecting her second child. She lost that baby later on in January '08, and I was soooo sad for her, but I didn't tell her. They don't really check blogs or emails. I bet they will read this in 2010!
They have a music school. They are one of the nicest couples you'll meet, and I mean that. David is one of my favorite brothers. We are close in age and we spent our childhood together. He is a good brother and I love him!!!
I put my glass of wine in front of David like if he was drinking the wine. He knew exactly what I was doing but didn't say anything. He just played along. That's why he was laughing in the picture. I was laughing too, because I knew he knew what I did!

That's Timothee! He is the oldest brother in the family. If you have a brother like Timothee, then you're lucky. He is a responsible kind of fellow. And he doesn't say much. He just smiles and laughes with all kinds of jokes when he is with his sibblings, otherwise he does not smile much. He is just responsible, and mature. He took over my Dad's work. He is best qualified for that kind of work. The "master" who is the "servant" of the poor people in the villages of Togo. Gee, you need a calling for that, and he got a calling for it. He took what my Dad did to the next level. That was quite impressive.

Well, we were on his land (90 acres) in Atsintsin. Debbie and John are on the right in the picture. A stream goes through his land. We were by the stream. Some parts of the stream are much larger, like a river.
Timothee took us to Atsintsin where the lands are located. He did something quite funny on the way. He will be driving, then, without saying a word, he will just pull to the side of the road, ..., and pee! He didn't care if other cars are coming or not. The funniest part was that, to keep doing that, he kept drinking water, so he can keep stopping and peeing! I wanted to laugh so loud, but I didn't. When he stops, then, that's the rest area. If you need to pee, you get out and pee too! Timothee is driving, 95 miles per hour unless he needs to stop and pee! That was a trip!
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