Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Debbie vegetable garden

It started out with a portion of the backyard. It had to be weeded out, tilled, and prepared for seeding.
This is the result in about five weeks time. Quite amazing! Debbie did have to do some gardening: watering, controlling bugs in the most organic way she could, rearranging the vegetables around, you name it; she did it. I did do one thing too, actually. When the squash leaves starting dying before we even had any squash, I talked to the plants in a whispering voice and they quit dying. I knew they would listen. I pretty much told them not to let my Debbie down and not to make a fool of themselves.
Some jalapeno peppers. We also had radishes, tomatoes, beans, cucumbers, green peppers, and lots and lots of squashes.
A basket of vegetables from Debbie's garden. She got the green thumb!
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