Monday, October 26, 2009

Birdwatching at the Bond Swamp

Debbie and I went birdwatching this Sunday afternoon at the Bond Swamp outside of Macon. I don't recall we've ever seen this much bird activities as we've seen this Sunday. Birds, birds, birds everywhere, and quite vocal too. Totally awesome!

This bank of the swamp was one of the spots we just sat at and watched, and enjoyed ourselves. There were a lot of Northern Flickers among other birds. A couple of Pileated Woodpeckers came for the "party" too.
We like the Bond Swamp, especially the Beaver Creek Trail, because it's very quiet and serene. We hardly ever see anybody here. It's almost like our own little secret birdwatching place.

Besides Deer tracks, we saw some wild pigs ground stirring activities. We didn't see any pigs though. They like to hide, I guess.

Besides birds and animal tracks, we saw something quite peculiar this Sunday. A car parked on the edge of the woods by the parking lot. You read earlier that hardly anyone comes here right? Well, we got curious and run the vehicle tag on the "stolen vehicles" website and sure enough, the car has been reported stolen on Saturday. The Bond Swamp is just inside Twiggs County so it took a few phone calls to get the authorities to go do their "job". Apparently, Macon Police and Bibb County Sheriff Office have no interest because it fell just outside their jurisdiction.

Quite a busy week-end including helping out at a Karate testing Saturday morning.
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