Wednesday, November 25, 2009

The year is almost over!

Is there one thing that you wanted to do this year that you didn't get a chance to do?  Can you still do it?  Well, concentrate on that one thing and just do it.  The year is almost over, but it's not over yet.

If you had no special goals to accomplish this year, then just enjoy the rest of the year and keep smiling.  let's spend time with each other the rest of this year if we can.  Family and friends are more important than money and material possessions (or the lack of it).  I bet houses, cars, stuff..., you see around you today were there 100 years ago.  And I bet what you see there today (material stuff) will be there 100 years from now.  While we're going through this plane (experience), let's value what's important i.e. the people (souls) we're here to touch and share with.

If you just read this, then post a comment.  Say what's on your mind.  Share a thought.  I'm just curious who bothers to read this blog.  I almost didn't post anything this month then I realize I've never missed a month since i've started.  But then, what good is it if nobody reads it? 

Take care, love life, smile a lot, be at peace, and don't sweat the small stuff. 

1 comment:

Debbie said...

Don't stop posting! I love your blog. It's always intertaining and interesting. It has been a good year and next year will be even better. I love you!