Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Alligator at the Ocmulgee

After checking on a property early this morning, I stopped by the Mound on my way back to the office.
Conveniently, the Park is on my way back. 
It was early, and it was cool. Birds were out including the Great Crested Flycatcher, several Great Egrets and one lonely Blue Heron.  I don't want to bore you with all the birds in this post.  Trust me, they were out, and they were vocal.

I was hurrying back when I saw, just lying on a log, a little alligator.  You can easily miss him but I always check those logs because that's where the big water moccasins use to sunbathe.  I guess they got evicted by the alligator.

I just saw a man on the trail a few minutes earlier.  I've seen him around here before.  I carry my binoculars, he carries his camera with powerful zoom lenses.

Well, I shared my find with him and he sent me three pictures of the alligator.  He also shared the snake he saw and I missed.  A long black Rat Snake in a branch above the trail. The tree branches form a canopy in that area and you can just walk under.  Very convenient when it gets hot.  Pretty too. Well, I walked right under the snake and didn't see him. I think that snake knows me by now and I recognized him too. We've met a few times before. Last year and this year. We just never got the chance to properly introduce ourselves.  Hey Rat Snake, if you ever read this blog, my name is Andre and you must be Blackie, right? 

Isn't nature just beautiful?  Alligators are photogenic, black snakes are pretty and friendly, birds say hello to you and sing you pretty songs...Get out every chance you get. Miracles are all around you. If you wait till you're old, you can't walk as good, you can't see as good, and you'll wish you've done it earlier.

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