Friday, June 27, 2008

Camping Trip

Our first camping trip was a blast. I didn't expect Leah to like it as much. Kelly has been camping already with her youth group. But, it was actually Leah who took walks with me at the park! and she got butterflies to land on her fingers. Of course, Kelly enjoyed it thoroughly as well.

Kelly and Leah at "The little White House" in Palm Springs.

We have been exploring the area that day, but then it started raining. Oh, no, everything is outside at the camp site. We rushed back to "base camp" and actually beat the rain! The rain was moving at 10 mph, and we moved at 70 mph. That made a difference! Trust me.

No one believed it, but we literally "pulled" this tarp from under a tent, slid another tarp underneath that tent, and set up the first bigger tarp as a cover before the rain made it to our side.

This is the day we were leaving and I realized that I have not taken any pictures of that trap cover we've set up. Our very elaborate camp has already been packed and stowed in the vehicle but you can still see the site. Debbie did a great job making a home out of a nothing camp site. We hated to pack up and go home. We wanted to stay for two more days. Next time. What a week end!
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Awww! That WAS fun! I enjoyed it very much as a matter of fact. I'm glad we finally took our family camping trip and did it the right way-old fashioned without a fancy RV or camper. I'm looking forward to future trips similar to this one, but the cabin trip at the beach was nicer! ;-) I Love You, Daddy!