Friday, April 17, 2009

Duane and Connie visit

Connie and Duane paid us a visit during Easter week end. Kelly was there also. It's always nice to have company, especially from people you like. Debbie & Connie above. Connie & Duane below.
Debbie made some very good meals which we all enjoyed. Compliments to the chef! Then we played Rook, then Golf, then Rook, then Rook again, then Golf, well you get the idea. (Golf is a card game!) I was sooooo tempted to take our company birdwatching but we had so many birds visiting and we talked so much about birds that I let it go. You just don't want to overwhelm your guests with birding, they may not come next time. Connie thought she saw an Ivory Bill Woodpecker on a pole near her house. It was a small one. Hummm. I'd love to see it too, just to help me believe it better.
Debbie, Connie, and Kelly with her back to us.
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yay! That was fun. Happy Earth Day!
